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Old 08-22-03, 11:36 AM   #20
ThA BaDmAn Is HeRe NoW
Shotta's Avatar
Posts: 356
From: JA nigga in Jerz

shut the fuck up, bitch ass shit talkin nigga, you ass, go ahead and think i put effort, i aint ur fuckin homie either, your rhymes is fuckin ELEMENTARY , look at the words u rhyme wit, u got no fuckin metaphors nor nothin anyone can rap the way you do, all your doin is fuckin talkin, your gargbage, and if ur already elevated i feel bad for you. you wanna hear how i really sound when im tryna rap go here lissen to Better get Dat Ass or even my reggae track BAdman Business, den holla @ me bitch.
what am i wastin my time arguin u already kno in the back of your mind im better than you, you just wanna act like really are to make yourself feel better, but go head see how far it gets you. u gotta use all them dam sound effects to make your track better cuz ur lyrics are garbage... i sed ur flow was stolen not your gay lyrics faggot...
thing is you wasnt even worth it, especially after i herd your track, i was disappointed, then i herd a track u made bitin norm bates punchline champion shit, u lucky i aint spit acapella to your gay ass lol. so just stop the bitchin... i told you, you can haf the win, i see you put alot more effort, musta took u a while to make the track, sound effects, background and all dat. since ur lyrics is shit , you can haf the W for tryin wit all that effort. ok homes ok
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