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Old 08-24-03, 11:10 PM   #1
The sYcKlE Makes Me Do It
MiCsYcKlE's Avatar
Posts: 1,169
From: N/A


colors true and black and dead
seem a wast of trouble in my head
this life that breathes and moves is drawn
with ruff charcoal now that caring is withdrawn
these words that float along the sea
of heavy blood soaked misery
pass within a cold and silent mind
ive turned off the pain and left behind
a sad and deluded boy
that cried for hate and lack of joy
and im sory i failed him in this fight
that with every step i lost the light
his death ways down in my head
this human inside of me now is dead
they say that only hope excapes death
but time can slowly steel it's breath
and with that loss ive closed a door
to hide those who dont see anymore
the lost and aching frame a fool
who strived to be more than just a tool
but gone it goes the last of light
so now i write the epiloge in this flight
of stupid hope's insanity
and givin to endless vanity
that i despised for so long
and to join those that i always thought wrong
becouse i have no light at the end of the tunnel
and no releif from this funnel
i have not found anyone i love
i have traded hell for above
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