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Old 08-25-03, 11:08 AM   #4
Born To Kill
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Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas

Pot1ent the man gonna lose again cuz he spittin like Oscar rappin from a garbage can...
That's where his rhymes be amongst waste and debris makes sense cuz he a 'trashy' MC.

I'm dope like a tiger the way I lunge while ya outdated like grunge and as solid as a sponge...
Tear with jaws and slash with claws but do it lyrically without any 'paws'...

British rapper from the land of bad teeth ya whole mouth looks like a plot of heath*...
Clean up ya act buy toothpaste in stacks ya breath is the only thing about you that impacts.

Ya liquid fat nasty like stored in jars so only time ya seem hard is when ya mistaken for lard...
Rip through ya guard leave ya more than scarred cuz I fried this chicken when I pulled his punk card.

Scattered ya brains when I shattered ya frame betta change ya profile cuz 'splattered's ya name...
Massacred this fag have the coroner gag cuz he didn't need a body bag just a wet vac and rags!

*Heath is a British word for a piece of wasteland, he's British, so...)
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