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Old 08-25-03, 07:04 PM   #64
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

We were together 8 wonderful years, in which time we grew into different people, life has a way of changing you outside of high school. We both we're very young when we had our daughter and our careers lead us in different directions. We are both Engineers, except I decided to give my country my skillz, and chose to support on technical issue's durring feild assignments. Meaning I had to make huge sacrifices at home in order to fulfill my obligations to work. Eventually those sacrifices took thier toll on our relationship. Hey life is just a multitude of experencies and that just happens to be on of the many I will accumulate in a life time, (expiriences, not woman I mean). I hope that answersd your question. Yes I would do things different as I look back on it now, but hind sight is always 20/20...
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