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Old 08-26-03, 04:01 AM   #13
Middle Weight
Posts: 623

Originally posted by Rappad
How's this jew gonna eat me when i sport pork raps??//
Your talent is pathetically fake like spain’s special finally broke out of the closet, but bitch you still aint “off the hinges”//
You couldn't recognize "phatness" with Oprah's ass on your terrorist headwear during Ramadan, this battle's a “wrap"//

flow was off at time but rappad had the killer lines^

[b]rappad won all catergories of this battle - punches, personals, flow, wordplay, multi's though not many, etc

thog you need to improve - like everybody else but short bar limitations you should disses and punch your opponents as innovatively fierce as possible with flow and metaphors/wordplay - good luck though

vote rappad