Thread: Blood Party
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Old 08-26-03, 10:25 AM   #7
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Y'know... unlike all the other poser-goths that write poetry, I think I can honestly say that no one'll ever understand the darkness that is my soul.

First, I'd like to say I love any and all responses I get. Even that one liner from $tyle/$witch.

Now, I'd like to say that you all described my peice incorrectly. Actually, Content came the closest to describing it when he said it was "damn reminiscent of a sage francis spoken word". Because I know for a fact that Sage Francis and other coffee house dwellers for open mic nights spit nothing but bullshit and crap. And that is exactly what I spouted with this peice. Bullshit and crap.

You all make it seem like I was being clear and concise or that I actually had a singular topic. Well I wasn't clear, I wasn't concise, and I had no singular topic. The topic was how The Goddess has treated me wrong all these years, how I am not a true native Oregonian, how the Government hates me, how no one could love me, how men torture women, how I torture everyone else by reviewing their poetry.


Let's reveiw, shall we?

Blood Party

First, the title. I named it Blood Party. Blood because it is me dripping my life force, and party because it is chaotic and funky at the same time.

It's only night time when you're shunned from the sun
Like Chuck D said it's easier to forget me than to come get me
Fight for peace, fuck for virginity
Since when is drugs, supremecy and mysoginy the holy trinity

I wrote this to show that everything means nothing and that nothing means anything.

You got a second for your son mother?
I'm trying to talk, it's either that or fight or run, brother
Lets take a walk

This part was paradyzed from the DMX song "Minute for your son". Except I asked my mother, The Goddess. And I realized that she doesn't give a fuck about me, so change the fucking subject.

As we go a little something like this, HIT IT!
Heres a little gangster short in size
A sad clown mask is his only disguise
Built like a twig and easy to snap
I'm just sick of taking all of your crap

Here I try to change the subject. But I still come back to The Goddess. These lines were tooken from an NWA song, I forget the name of it.

I know I was created for better things
Yet sometimes my mind feels like a collision of trains
Burning a covered bridge with the grass seed from the trail
Oregonian my sodomized ass, I'm more likely the son of Ba'al
Son of a pervert, son of a man
I came out in the fetal position never wanting to stand
Because I knew my legs would crumble underneath me
So no one, not even the government, would ever seek me
No one'll want me, no one'll need me

This part, the first part, describes how I'm not really an Oregonian. There is a famous train wreck that happened here. Oregon is the covered bridge capital of the world, as well as the grass seed capital of the world. And everyone knows about the Oregon trail. In this verse I said fuck it all. And I also wrote about where I -did- come from, which is not from my mother but from my father. Who was nothing more than a perveted demon.

Cut me open and watch me bleed, see? SEE?!?!
Emotional? Yeah, I'm emotional, wouldn't you be?

These lines are oh so reminiscent of Eminem. I hate myself, shoot me now.

To find you'd be nothing without a computer and TV
I can get rid of the garbage but I can't get rid of the love
Or my brain, or my heart, or whatever the fuck I'm made of

I love the flow to these lines. Too bad they were subconciously ripped from Eyedea's song Even Shadows have Shadows.

I'm not obsessed with being the best
I'm obsessed with being able to express
Any of my thoughts or feelings and then be at rest
Because when I get test I get so hard pressed
To be able to spit the wisdom that show I've been blessed

These lines are pointless. I don't even understand 'em. Pointless dribble.

Can you love me, any body?
Would you kiss me? Would you hug me?
Would you be for me what I would be for you?
Would you do for me anything for you that I would do?

Ah... love. Why doesn't anybody love me? It's because I want love from a woman more than anything else and I know I'll never get it.

Life is shit, and I am full of life
Stryfe is a bitch, but she's also my wife
So is misery and so is pain
So is everything, so is anything

Okay, I'll admit, the life is shit and I'm full of life line was just pure reaking of awesometivity. I'm suprised such a cool line came outta my mind. The rest is stupid old school Necromancer poetry. Y'know... before I became the amazing ill and awe inspiring jabroni that I am today.

I got sunshine in a bag on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside, I let the fire spray
And burn everything, Just so I could say
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, paint it gray

Some guys were singing that "My Girl" song on television when I wrote this. I figured it'd tie in to that line about how I'd be nothing without a computer and a television. But I never got around to tying them in. Which shows what a lazy bastard I am.

I could of painted it black, but thats politically incorrect
Paint it African American, and paint it with respect

Paint it Black is an awesome song by the Rolling Stones. Sadly, in retrospect, I find this part to be quite humorous myself.

But respect only the woman, because I hate the black man
I hate the white man, I hate the yellow man, I hate every man
I hate men impaling women through their torsos

Y'know I see so many men abusing women it's not funny. And yet those women love those men that abuse 'em. I know I'd never abuse a woman, I guess that's why they don't love me. And that impaling through their torso line was to be ment literal. Theres a mans dick, and theirs a womans belly. Shove.

All humans cause pain but men do it more so
Of course I am a man and yeah I'm causing pain
But at least I only do so by picking at your brain

Men cause pain more then women. Y'know when women want to use blood for a rite of magick, they don't have to look any farther then a monthly cycle. But if a man wanted to use blood for a rite of magick, they'd have to look to a sword, a knife, a gun, a tank or some other war making device. But I don't need blood. I cause pain just by talking to others. Why, I wouldn't be suprised if I caused anyone pain with what I'm writing right now.

Now... like is said in that Beastie Boys song, In a World Gone Mad... "Peace to the middle East and Peace to..."

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