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Old 08-26-03, 01:04 PM   #77
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,617

^^Which brings me to my second point of materialism and how people need to stop doing anything just to get a little extra cash in their wallet.
But since you practically explained that already, I won't have to say anything.

Look at it this way....

You sell drugs to make money, but obviously somebody has to get that money to pay for the drugs. So that person robs a store or mugs a few people and gets his money that way to buy the drugs. Eventually, that store is going to go out of business because they are losing more cash then they are making due to robberies. There goes a few jobs right there. And then the neighborhood starts to get a rep of it being a bad neighborhood, and no chain store is going to open up in that store's place because they don't want to be constantly robbed.
There goes work right there.

I'm saying that people are participating in gangs and having their little beefs that are solved with drive by shootings, and for what? What do they get out of it? A little congratulations from a fellow gang member and a tallyboard of mortal sins? And these people also are the ones bitching about how they HAVE to do illegal shit just to survive. No they don't. They don't have to do that. They can find a job and work hard and work their way up the company social scale.

I don't care if it is a shit job or not. Work hard enough and eventually you will be able to move up. Work more than one job if you have to.

I'm just tired of people saying how bad it is in the ghetto when they don't realize that they are participating in it and are causing it to be that way. Fucking change it. Make money by fucking working like everyone else does.

And for the statement of "quitting bullshit," let me clarify. I meant that these people need to quit this gnagsta bullshit and stop killing eachother and participating in criminal activities. That bullshit. Do these gang rivalries and shootings and drug dealings hold any real significance in the grand scheme? No. They are acting like children, fighting over whether or not you got me in a game of tag.

Off topic, but I would also love to know why people bash middle class suburbia residents because they have worked and succeeded to make a good amount of money, but then back up artists like Jay-Z who make millions to say a few words on a commercial.
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