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Old 08-26-03, 07:56 PM   #35
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Stretched ....Smetched ...... I understand how the vets don't like it , but If you read the right way , it works fine . I thought MOBs verse was dope as fuck , If you read it fast , it flows find , if you read it slow , the lines sound stretched. its all a matter of opinion , and in ma Humble opinion I thought MOB won , overall he had more to his verse , cleverer rythmes , better punches , and better multis .........

E xecution was no push over though , it wasn't that ONE-SIDED , he fucking busted some dope shit too , It was close , I read both verses twice , and wasn't even going to v ote , but fuck , its a good battle and if im putting my time into reading verses , bet your ass , Im voting on em'

Vote - MOB

NO beef
Peace CE