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Old 08-26-03, 10:56 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

I have to admit that I wasn't keep interested, and my focus seemed to go more twoards the punctuation and capitalization that you used in this peice. And I don't mean to be so blunt, and I don't want to come off as rude but I don't know any other way to phrase this other than I don't feel like you live in the ghetto or projects or are even lower class, you have a computer with constant internet connection, that's like sayin "Man, I bust my ass for my paycheck so I can keep AOL on." It's just not believible to me, I dunno if I speak for any one else but it's not to me. Especially since you glorify all that is "Hollywood thuggin" at the beggining and then you go all rightous at the end. It's a complete contradiction, if you believe something live it, and then you have the right to preach it. How can you tell some one to have the guts to go against the grain when you don't have them your self? Or so you portray... I'm sorry it I've upset you in any way but I feel like repetatively you write about the same things, "life in the hood" "In my ghetto" and you come off as fake to me. But I don't think there's anything "gangsta" about that life, they live it because they have to, and some of them DO glorify it but I betcha majority of them don't come on rapsites and write poetry about it... my thoughts peace
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