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Old 08-26-03, 11:00 PM   #4
The sYcKlE Makes Me Do It
MiCsYcKlE's Avatar
Posts: 1,169
From: N/A

WaterMelon Beating MiC ? wash your optics kids, that might happen in a world of true lies/ 1
So why dont you just go to the store grab some 'Wip~Cream',Cop the 'Vaseline',and have fun “Hang"ing~"Out"~with~the~Guys”// 2
im sick of this bullshit, you havent seen half of my full extent/in fact only 1% was used when 205 of your bones were ravaged and bent//3
Yo Melon i left you one "bone" so you would still have a "hobbie"(duh)/ya know the one where you impersonate a waitress "behind" the counter in a hotel Lobbie// 4
If you think by biting "biggie" you'd have "faith" on your side, your "dead~Wrong", Cause everyone knows im the "best~man", just ask "MOB"// 5
but honestly Melon you should feal honered that you were ripped by Lyrics banned in 49 states/// 6
I strip you of all your possesions,your identity,status and your now the Hobo reflection of Bill gates//7
You wanted me to go first so you could study my scriptures/but it doesnt matter cause your punches do minimal damage to my verbal Captures// 8
besides That style your using is so last "Friday", especially considering I could chew up your rhymes like crushed "ice~Cubes"// 9
extracting your intestines and organs through bloody Tubes// 10
Now Your in a "stickier" situation than "Pamela~Anderson" licking Tommy's “cum” off her plastic boobes // 11