Thread: rico vs com
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Old 08-27-03, 11:32 AM   #5
Yes I Know
Posts: 1,215
From: England

I conjure up pictures like Picasso on acid
Swallow your whole rhyme book; digest it and pass-it
I’m placid but angry; my own ‘feet’ can’t ‘stand’ me
So when you meet defeat, you’ll get the mods to ban-me
You don’t-know you’re a ‘homo’ into sexual ‘sodomy’
I’ll ‘change your mind’ with this textual ‘lobotomy’
Yeah I’ll walk the ‘Green Mile’ I’ll walk-you-to-the-chair
Toast you and your daughter with no ‘water-on-ya-hair’
I’m tight fisted, sadistic leave you hungry, ‘take the biscuit’
Stomp on your guts till you shit piss and piss-shit
You dropped but most missed-it your rhymes are simplistic
My vocal’s make you deaf so I ‘sign you my linguistics’
I’ll leave ya mama out all jokes aside; I won’t hurt ya pride
I’ll reincarnate as ya baby and kill ya girl from inside