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Old 08-27-03, 12:31 PM   #81
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Huh Muhh, you sound so fuckin stupid...soo fuckin nieve. You have the slightest clue at what goes on in the hood. WHY, things go on in the hood. You got it twisted soo bad, you have no Idea wtf your talking about. It's like me, spittin knowledge on Korean culture. I don't know shit about them, and I would look like a jack ass talking about it. You sound like a bigot, you are truly ignorant, and you have no idea how many toes your stepping on. Life is hard man, you probably ain't mad it off ya moms titty yet.
You say stupid shit like we're killing each other over graffiti tags. What stupid ass movie did you get that shit from?

let me run it down, and clear up you misconceptions, so that you may see how stupid you sound.

Most hoods are broken up into different gang territories, Why? these territories is where they sell dope. To mark the bouderies, they do graffiti. As in this is where we make our money, you can't sell here. They will sometimes have some of the members names, maybe the governers, cheifs, and lieutenants<--different ranks. To cross out one of their names means that you want to kill them. For whatever reason you may have (trying to takeover, beef, disrespect), I don't know of anyone who does that shit anymore, basically it's SOS<--shoot on site.
Now, *why don't we get off our asses and work*, lol is like the #1 "I'm white, and ignorant" Quote of all times. Let me break down some aspects of RACISM for you, and why we don't get off our asses. lol
1. Besides the Arabs and Koreans, there are no businesses in the hood. And they ain't soft neither man. They got shotguns and Magnums behind the counter, they want you to try somethin I believe. They'll talk to you anyway they want, and you can't do nothing about it.
2.If you don’t have credit, you can’t get credit. A lot of us was never schooled on credit and checkbooks and shit
3.Most people in the hood don't have both parents, and it's hard for a single parent to raise a perfect child in the middle of all the hell.
3. How would you feel, if you went to 10 job interviews, and none of them hired you? The only people that will fuck with you is McDonalds, Burger king, Walmart, and the gas station, cause your Black. You start off making five dollars and fifteen cents an hour, so let’s calculate.
If they give you a full time position, you will make about $421 dollars, $271 after good ole Uncle Sam who loves you very much takes his cut. So that’s $542 dollars a month, (and that’s IF you get a full time position). Okay what’s rent $525 dollars a month. So what happened to food in shit. What happened, to the light bill, gas bill, water bill? Yeah that leaves you in the negative dawg. How can you feed your kids in the negative? How can you send them to college? How can you build…when you in the negative. You better not get sick or in an accident, cause you don’t have an insurance plan. Hey, Welfare will give you $400 in food stamps, and up to $425, a month, and give you a medical card for you and your children, so why degrade yourself, by working at a place where they don’t respect you, and fire a new person every week?

But $425 a month is still not enough, so you need a hustle. Everybody in the hood got a hustle. Now when I say hustle, your probably thinking drug dealing. But thast only because your ignorant, can’t blame you, your white. A hustle is anything that can make you money on the side that Uncle Sam can’t touch. Examples, a lot of chicks do hair, some people bootleg CD’s, some dudes will fix things in ya crib. Some niggas work on cars. Some people boost clothes and sell them to the hood at discounted prices. But the only lucrative fast money making hustles is drug dealing. You gotta holla at chief for that, cause if you set up without permission…fuck with his money, and they will deal with you. That’s where you get drive-bys, and gang violence, by disrespecting someone, or their family or their money.
We wanna look fly too, how would you feel if you had no chance of ever enjoying the pleasures of the finer things. Pretty girls won’t talk to you, cause you share clothes with your family. So yeah some of us sell our soul to the devil just to shine, to be the man to be appreciated and looked up to at least once. To put real food on the table and be the hero of your family. So when we do get there, we wanna show off to everybody because it’s amazing to have a gold chain, when a while ago, YOU or anybody around you could barely pay the rent.
So now you see some of the origins of hip-hop, cause through all the bad times, and fucked up shit that happens, we are still going to have fun. We are going to rock, our clothes in a style that you would wanna copy. We’re gonna create new slang for you to feel cool saying.That’s what hip-hop is derived from. Niggas was in the park jackin electricity from the street light to have a party. To relieve our stresses, sorta like the blues…

So before you open you stupid ass mouth again, make sure you know what’chu talking about.
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