Thread: growroom
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Old 08-27-03, 01:45 PM   #5
Da NFamous
Str8 From CopKilla Queens
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Posts: 658
From: Queens

Ehhh i had mixed feelins about this one to go against the grain i must say i liked the flow it seemed as if your bars and meanings were hidden as if when you went off rhyme and then went back on the off rhyme was like looking around a corner and ud never know what you'd see, i like. I interpret this piece at first i thought you were using a simple theme of seasons but as u continue it is to deep for that....I felt in the latter potrion that you could possibly be controlling nature but that seemed a little too abstract....I came to the conclusion that the seasons and all the effects were used as a representation of your emotions through a trying time, i hope i'm correct, please divulge what your true meaning was, 1luv.
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