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Old 08-27-03, 02:47 PM   #84
Ya Mama's Favorite
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Posts: 742
From: The east-side of Da D (Detroit)

Originally posted by DEL the funkee

You people still dont understand.

Its not about "Street respect" or whatever, Its great yall can relate to what the artist are going through.

But this isnt a drama movie, so fuck the emotions.

Its about making good music.

I dont understand whats so great about liking a artist that "runs n guns" or pimps or fuckin whatever, but SUCKS musically.

Ill take good music anyday.

Thank you.

^^^See thats were you not understanding the bigger picture, IT's more than about making good music, talent is only half of it......

If you want to have have to have poeple who connect to you, who dig your personality or feel your thoughts are like they are. You mean to tell me after all the shit R. Kelly went through, he debuted at platinum the first week just cuz of music?...You mean to tell me 50 cent had on of the most common hip-hop songs ever because of just music, you tellin' me Pac's all Eyez on me" is still moving units and is currently at 10 mil 'cuz of just music. ....

Look at ya boi in your sig there, if it was just music then he'd be on poeples list with Primo, The Clones, and Timbo..but it's goes deeper than that...RJD2 don't have THAT SOUND. ANd yes I've heard his shit before, The Deadringer album and alot of the shit he did with Copywrite. He a lacks that certain rhythem and knock to it where a nigga be like.."YHea thats whats up"....That ghetto thump, that shit is very important in a hip-hop sound...I just using him as an example because you gotta connect with the hood to be 'In the hip-hop circle" anything other than that is when we start calling ya'll backpack, alternative, nerd rap, white boy rap, spaceship shit any other type of musical slur you wanna name..becasue ya'll tryin' and make the shit textbook, when it's souposed to be soul music...ya'll tryin to hard, man.....

Saying how dope, cats like Slug, and Atmosphere, MF Doom and all them mu'fuckas are don't mean shit if the votes are coming from Minnesota, Dakota, Miane and shit like that in middle the heart of the hood is where it matters, this is where it startes and ends at..And I acually like Eyedea, I think he is a good freestyle/battler but I heard his albums and that shit did not connect to my soul...that shit was lame amd boring...

And a note to MR. Legend you brining up some good points, joe. ANd I feel you, but I know from experience going back and forth on here ain't gonna do no good with these cats and they just stuck in they false reality....Just like you say, it's like how I look like telling a mexican how it's is to be mexican... Alot of poeples remarks on here is just as vauge is the Klansmen themselfs, and the problem is ya'll don't even realize it...At least the KKK KNOW they stereotypical and bigot....

Bang On The Table Productions
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