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Old 08-27-03, 05:40 PM   #85
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D-dizzle and MR. LEGEND Why arugue? they just wont understand. I'm not saying I bring glory to the street life but some of you don't know what people that live and/or lived in the ghetto been through. They don't know sometimes you have almost no other choices but to sell drugs or maybe join a gang. I don't need to explain it ether. What kills me is the total lack of knowledge about the streets. Do you think we put the drugs and guns on the street? Ever hear about the Secert War? No. Is it our fault when you call the cops in the city they take forever to get over there? No. WTF tell me if the cops don't come in time when someone is after you WTF are you suppose to do? Stand there and get fucking shot? Is it our fault there are crooked cops looking to make a extra buck and sell drugs to drug dealers? No. Is it our fault that the penial system is made to make minorites go to jail for longer periods of time and are harsher towards us? Did you ever fucking wonder why if you get caught with cocaine in the powder form the penailty is less severe that when it's made into crack rocks? Did you ever wonder why the lottery was made legal? Some of you (Even many minorities) don't even begin to understand the deepness of why the streets are the way they are.
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