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Old 08-27-03, 06:44 PM   #90
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Yeah, but this discussion stemmed from Hip-Hop, hip-hop did come from the ghetto. Did you read anything Black Flame said, all of the black folks that agreed with me? I'm not makin this shit up, you hear "Blacks have longer jail sentences, than whites", and you think that's bullshit. But let me explain it, then maybe you'll understand:

White man get caught with a bag of coke, black man get caught with a bag of coke. White man calls someone to bail him out, calls HIS lawyer, and is guilty with intent to use. The white man is sentenced to 1 year probation. The black man may have to sit in jail till his court date. You can sit in the holding cell for only a limited time before you get shipped to county. And county ain't no fun...I heard. OK OK let's say someone bails the black man out, they put up the thousand bucks (same as the white man). He doesn't have a lawyer, and the public defender doesn't give a hot piece of shit what happens to you. So he'll tell you shit like, you can't win with this, and tries to make a deal with the prosecuter. The judge will give that man time in the clink, and not think about it.

I don't know what it is, but if you go to court with a lawyer, the out come is so much better. All they do is make deals with the prosecuter.

You see, and the coke could've been planted on the black man. The cops will frame anybody out in the hood if they have a criminal at large. Snatch you up and say this the dude that was doin all those robberies. And then what, you don't have a lawyer, and you fightin for your freedom.

Hard times man...misery loves company, when you in a conversation and someone, and you like yeah yeah I feel you I know what'chu saying what you going through". That's what gangsta rap is....
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