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Old 08-28-03, 08:40 PM   #22
Posts: n/a

Aight lemmie explain to you what I said because you obviously misunderstood me. I told you before I said anything that I didn't want to come off as rude or mean but that I felt it needed to be said... I never said that you didn't live in the ghetto, for all I know you do, I jus said you come off as fake to me. That's my opinion, you don't have to like it, jus like I don't have to like your poetry or your depiciton of a life on the streets. I'm not tryna come at you like a bitch because I personally have more respect for myself than that, I prefer to carry myself as a lady. It was feedback, something I appoligized for from the getgo... because I knew you would look at it the wrong way. Maybe I should have jus kept my opinions to myself instead of "cloggin your thread" an jus said that I would like to see more diverse topics from you, but I felt like you were "clogging the forum" with repetative peices about "your hood"... like I said before, had I known homeboi was gonna say it I would have kept it to myself. But don't come at me like that when I wasn't insulting you on purpose, if you took it that way it's on you... lettin you know tha deal, again not hatin, jus statin. Peace
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