Thread: ~Game Over~
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Old 08-29-03, 08:52 PM   #8
Deceit's Avatar
Posts: 601
From: God

I have to say, i hated this, bounce is quite a terrible poet, no feeling, no emotion, no understanding and no talent...
What possessed you to write that?
First i hated the entry to the poem, and it was too quickfire to savour anything, second, there were general mistakes everywhere and third it revealed nothing and even worse was of no consequence!!!

Ahem, turn everything i just said around to it's opposite and make it a good thing...I jus wanted to be different with my compliments

I have to say, i loved this, bounce is quite a great poet, feeling, emotion, understanding and talent...
What possessed you to write so well?
First i loved the entry to the poem, and it was quickfire and didn't give any time to savour anything, which shows exactly the hectic truth in you, second, there were general mistakes everywhere in grammar, spelling which showed rushed, enthusiastic anger and third it revealed nothing and even better was of no consequence leaving us thinking, wondering and truly feeling what you felt to a tee!!!
Most of all, it had what i find the most important, heart. You put yourself in there and threw it out...

Excellent, Amazing, Brilliant drop...
(but i'm still better )
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