Thread: I Am.
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Old 08-31-03, 03:08 AM   #2
Deceit's Avatar
Posts: 601
From: God

I'm a bit wary aobut this, since ya got all mine right I wanna try and understand yours so here goes............
I think this is a searching, someone who didn't understand themselves, didn't see themselves and hadn't come to the realisation of what they could be, who they are...
This was that realisation, that truth, setting aside all the meandering thoughts and flouncing ideas and agreed with who you are...looked at yourself and said 'This is me'.
This explains the human flesh, admitting you enjoy things which others may consider shameful, uncivilized, yet you perform them in a civilized manner, which has some relevance to the idea of modern capitalist governments fighting sick wars through hidden ways...You may also be justifying this bloodthirsty need for a right cause.

This explains the arrogance too, it's not a bad arrogance, just a defence mechanism, you've seen who you are so you must stand proud to avoid crestfallen ideas popping into your head again......
But theirs something else, i dunno if you put it there or not, i couldn't see're arrogance is so sudden, you're admittance so quick, it catches one off balance, making me think you're hiding something, an emotion, a hateful one, a hateful event or idea that you despised but were truly intrigued by that you're hiding, hence the sudden confession to dark loves, seeminly searching for an approval, or even repentance, but i think you thought about repentance and said "This is me, why should I repent myself?"

This creates swelled pride, and then self-belief at the end and in short, as I never am, you have thought, searched, agreed and stood up...
It was also to enthralling to ask questions or look for technical faults, it was all good, unique rhyme scheme, I thought it was good in that sense, and a poem which leaves only space for thought about it's meaning is truly an enthralling poem......

Did I get it?
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