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Old 09-03-03, 10:40 PM   #17
Light Weight
Jes's Avatar
Posts: 221
From: so. cali

My american patriotism spans a little further for me than these folks. Although I'm against much of what the government does, this form of government gives people the most freedom. Yes, Canada has one-upped us by recognizing gay marriages, but I don't agree with alot of their ways and regulations. Africa itself is in a ongoing war. And many countries either rely on American resources and economy or follow our suit on certain stances. America is the leading country in regards to activisim and sub-activity are constitution allows us to congregate with who we please. Of course the bad side to this is hate groups such as KKK neo-nazi's, and black panthers reformed. But, we have many volunteer groups that help with worldy causes, the Peace Corp for one, and abolisionists against capitalisim, and obviously the list goes on. I understand that other activity and groups such as RAWA are formed over seas, but for the majority we hold an absurd number of activity groups (good and bad), religions, and blah...

I just think that despite alot of the shit that needs adjusting, America still provides its people with the most liberty to the pursuit of happiness.

just tossing in my change.
"life is a game, you have to choose a side to play
if i gotta pick a position, i'mma pick missionary."
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