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Old 09-06-03, 12:23 AM   #15
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Originally posted by bouncedoggydog

WTF? How can you compare commercial electronics advancement of Japan, to the overall technological breakthoughs of the US. I am not attacking the brilliance of Japenesse Engineering, as an Engineer myself I hold them with high regard. I just can't believe you actually think they are on the cutting edge of overall technology... The US is the world leader in Technological advancements and research, we are years and years ahead of everybody in that Arena. Not in every segment or industry, but overall, and where the research is most crucial. Consumer electronics is not our forte since our wages paid in this country are too high to compete with the world markets. We acknoledge and accept that in general terms. We would never allow ourselves to fall behind in such areas, critical to national defense, secuirity, communicatons, space exploration, and so many other area's. Our power is derrived from technology, what other country has allocated the dollars needed to add smartweapons to an all ready powerfull arsenal. Not a one, has spent as much money looking for ways to LIMIT death counts. Those weapons stratigeclly inhanced to hit a specific target are just one more way America has tried to make war more humane. I know it's a contrdiction of terms, but in a imperfect world our sole measurement is less or more (humane). These weapons are more, although you may say not all hit intended targets, there is always a percentage of error in every science, and less destruction is certainly better than more. Just one of my thoughts..

I know you can all agree this is not a perfect world, so how can you adopt a perfect world policy. We live to the times, this is a dangerous world and sometimes action is taken. Not everyone is going to agree, but why should we denounce a nation because of it? Should we have denounced the dismantleing of the German army after the war?

^^seriously. They say that the japanese are the most technologically advanced people in the world. So why do the people still eat with sticks????????

With that said, I'd like to offer my opinion on this subject from a slightly different perspective. See, I was not born in the u.s. I was born in Azerbaijan, in the former Soviet Union. When I was one year old, my family immigrated to the United States. Now I'm 15, and I must honestly say, I do a lot of travel to europe/the carribean/etc, and although I do not support the president of our country whatsoever, and I definately do not support the war in Iraq, America is still, to me, the greatest place to live in. And any of you people complaining about how we don't have enough freedom etc, well name me one other country, with the exception of canada lol, where they have as much freedom and opprotunity as we do here. Name another country where your choice of college extents from ivy league, to in state/out of state, to any colleges in the country. Name another country where you can be whatever you want to be when you are an adult. America offers more freedom then any other country. That is why, for me, it is truly the greatest place to live in.
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