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Old 09-08-03, 01:52 AM   #74
Light Weight
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Posts: 221
From: so. cali

Originally posted by The End
Explain how they pay us back by killing our people. I am guessing you mean 9/11? Do you know why 9/11 happened and we are so hated? I'm guessing no.. But I have to go, so go read an article or something and maybe it will make sense. Most of the countries we 'actually' help do appreciate us, but do not like us imposing our government and religions on their society, while others are simply envious.

exactly. We may be the most helpful country, but we're also the most hated.

I agree with The End. Our government is ver boisterous and we love to put our to cents in about whats going on with everyone else. The whole 9/11, which by the way I do not condone, happened because of something we did back in the day. The U.S. is good at helping to make a mess and fight but not to clean up.

We supplied them with guns, ammunition, you name it to fight another country who we (them and the U.S.) mutually do not like, FOR us, so we wouldn't have to do the dirty work. After they won, we stopped contact with them, leaving their country in ruins, many dead, and their economy shot. Thus, the resentment and feelings of betrayl and backstabbing.
"life is a game, you have to choose a side to play
if i gotta pick a position, i'mma pick missionary."
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