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Old 09-08-03, 06:21 PM   #79
Light Weight
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Posts: 221
From: so. cali

In reply to you B-squared

they aren't getting new stuff, in fact they don't get monetary compensation... the refugees and the innocent get food and some shelter... necessities that the war deplenished.

Another fact I just learned... 4.5 billion is spent on the war a month, for OUR troops and our battles.

Yes, I see in the shit that goes on in my community, do you? I mean I partcipate in many things; volunteer to feed the hungry, I'm a big sister to inner city youth, and I volunteer as a peer counselor to teen mothers and those pregnant. Do you know how many government programs are geared to help those in need? In fact there is more monetary aid for the less fortunate than there are for schools.

It's all about retribution. It is not the WHOLE country against us, remember it's a terrorist group, extremists. If a group of American radical activists made some political statement in another country say Canada, a statement against there government and demeaning to its people, should Canada blame every American or the country in general? Thats why hate crime is at an all time high, people assume you're of mid-eastern persuassion you're related to Osama. Narrow minded views, if you ask me.....
"life is a game, you have to choose a side to play
if i gotta pick a position, i'mma pick missionary."
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