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Old 09-10-03, 02:21 PM   #7
EnVy Ny
Posts: n/a

Brooklyn Holla Back

Pale Is Like A Crack In The Sidewalk Cuz He Is Walking A Thin Line
Ill Shatter His Skull So He Can Voluntarily Release His Mind
My Bars Are Hit Hard Like They Was A Metal Erection
Quit Battling And Start Writing In The Poems Section
Pale Is Like Pilots In Training He Still Cant Land A Punch
He Prolly Tries To Bite So Much Verses Appear To Him As Crunch (Candy)
.:.:FuN fLoW tYmE:.:.
Ill Smash Your Verse In Thousands Of Pieces You Can Label Them As Reeses
Pale Couldnt Spell Win If He Had A Thesis My Loses Stay With You Like Diseases

.:Welcome To The Lost Column:.


Was Fun....