Thread: Prejudice
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Old 09-14-03, 04:15 PM   #5
Baron Mynd
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From: England

Okey Dokey, I Didnt Read G.Hod's Post Cause I Hate Kids Feeding Off What The Other Guys Said, So This Is MY Opinion, JUst Telling You Before You Read. .

The topic to this piece was kinda blahzay, its been done over and over and that usually makes me not want to finish reading pieces, but i bared with this one. . Opening Nine [ Wtf? ] Lines Didnt really come in effective as they should have, the multi's were there, so were the internals, so your learning gradually, but they didnt seem to get into the topic too well and got a little off topic as i read it, this piece actually seemed to pick up nearer the end, "The Minority aren't showing dominance cuz confidence is stole
Who is the majority in society to say they have preponerant role?" - i liked that line, nicely worded, rolled off the tongue nicely, good writers voice shown there actually. Aside from that - Stop making the bullshit sub-headings / intervals in your pieces between verses, their just annoying, seriously!

Hahaha, all in all i liked this, didnt start off as good as id of liked, but towards the end you really picked it up, your flows came on a lot since the last piece i read, you have more internals and multi's now, thats kinda been your girft / curse becauise like.. on one hand your flow HAS improved, but on the other, your over-using them, and thats sacrificing your content for flow - something you shouldnt do, you need to adjust a little, and get that pefect balance between the two, it takes a while to perfect, but you have the basics down, you've obviously listened to what ive said and worked on it, basically - your doing good my man, keep practicing, take whats said to heart and instead of thinking their hating, consider ALL advice good advice.

The Potentials there, you just need the practice.

W o r d P e r f e c t

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