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Old 09-15-03, 12:40 AM   #1
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Unhappy Spousal Abuse... Deep Topic.


..A Broken Mother Lies In Bed...

The tears roll down my cheek, i am weak
My heart beats with anger as my eyes bleed
When will it end, will i be in the hospital again?
I hear him coming, my stomach begins to cringe
You stupid bitch, i thought i told you to stop crying
I'll stomp on your fuckin mouth again, think im lying?

Im crying uncontrollably, as his fists shake my jaw
He grabs me by my hair, and smacks my face into the wall
I fall, and i will not stand, i cant take anymore from this man
My eye's show the abuse, while my face resembles his hand
Im only doing this because i love you, because i care
What is this love? Spousal Abuse has my emotions scared
Speak? I never dared, I knew he would grab me by the throat
Say one more word cunt, and you'll get fuckin choked
The fantasie's, the hopes, my benediction is from the words i wrote.

..The Torn Man Grabs The Bottle...

I work hard every day, i dont need to listen to what this cunt has to say
Ill never go, forever i'll stay..her hopes? Yeah..she better pray
We need to talk..of course.. I dont love you, i want a divorce
I grabbed that bitch by the neck, and beat her head off the porch
Why do you do this!!!!!..*Mother grabs the razor..and slits her wrists* im pist..*takes a drink*..*Smacks mother across the lips*
You wanna see pain bitch?...*Pulls a gun to her waist and blows out her hips*
I cant handle this shit!!!! *kicks her teeth down her esophagus*!!!
....Spousal Abuse? Nobody Ever Thought Of This

...This is all over homes dont confuse, the black eyes, cuts, pick up the clues...
..Now this family is torn to no use, The events that took place, consequences of Spousal Abuse...

oh yeah...the bolding in paragraph one is the husband....the boldin in paragraph two is the wife........
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