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Old 09-15-03, 06:22 AM   #4
Baron Mynd
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Posts: 4,021
From: England

Werdness. .

i liked the hook to this piece, reminded me of my old-style actually with the broken-down bars style. . Opening verse was easily the better of the two, strong use of internals, however, the bar lengths were too long and that kinda edged out the flow to this piece unless spat quickly, you tried to put vocab and wordplay into this piece but i dont feel that helped this, it was basically another 'bragging writes' piece where you use wordplay / mulit's / internals, but to no set topic and that makes it kinda blahzay blah.

Try writing to a set topic so you can attempt at imagery and emotion instead of keep doing multi's / flow / wordplay verses, their really played now, this is the fourth ive read in two days here at RB actually.

W o r d P e r f e c t

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