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Old 09-15-03, 02:09 PM   #1
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{**IJS**} FIRST CoLLaBO SyNtExT and pLeDgE Reflections of a broken friendship


A was watching the rain fell on ma windscreen then sudenly pulled up to the shoulder
ther was something in the air a wasnt sure of, ma blood was gettin colder
a knew in ma heart that something was up
but it was too late to dodge the bullet....a heard the bullet stop
and the first thought was what would happen to you
because withough me theres no you...there was no truer two
but for what little time we had together i give thanks and pray

Tears fall when recollections of that Morbid day...
i was chillin with my family and the phone suddenly rang//
it was ya moms on the other end crying she asked for me...
she told me you got popped execution style you was on ya knees//
i feel to the ground my heart sank i cryed out in vain...
why was it you instead of me when deadly shots had to rain//
i would have traded places with you any day if i could have...
reminis on times we did shit and sat on the front porch after and laughed//

A dont ko what was harder..takin tha bullet or watchin you cryin
The pain that i felt for you that day was worse than actually dying
They say yo life flashes befo you eyes when your about to kick it
but te only times that flashed before me where the times we spent doin trick shit
seems liek that was all that mattered in ma life and i aint dissapointed
but a know that i can watch over do not cry man...just rejoyce it

you did time in JUVY for my many mistakes...
i'mma avenge ya death and whatever it takes//
to show you your still down to to ride....
as long u up there i know heavens on my side///
i shed alot of tears and then i wonder why...
shit ya moms is fine i know she still sits and crys//
i'll rep ya death till the fucking death of ME//
let ya spirit live on in my music for the world see//

Do not anger my passing and do not carry such a burden on your back
dont you realise that you have dignity, something those coward who shot me lacked?
Fuck an dont lower yourself to that...what you think i dont the time for
for you to get yourself done for murder avenging my death? fuck a dont want that shit no more
hae a wife have a family get a job and get some money
and all be savin you a seat in heaven but yo..dont rush here to see me

Thru the madness light shine thru
it doesnt matter what you do
things will always come between friendships
but the broken pieces can be fixed
sometimes it takes time to recollect loved ones
other times you cant get hem off your mmind
but just remember when the time comes
that if they are a true friend..theyll never leave u behind


We'll miss you DAWG
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