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Old 09-15-03, 04:41 PM   #1
FanTa ZeE
Posts: n/a
IN LOVING MEMORY (please read and reply)


I knew a boy called little Jon,
He lived along my road,
He always was a good boy,
And did what he was told,
At school he was the teachers pet,
He obeyed all the rules,
He payed the price cause he was nice,
And thats not what it takes to be cool,
One day in the playground when the teachers were turned away,
A gang of boys hit little Jon he stayed off the next day,
He came in two days later, hoping to sort it out,
But the boys threw him against the wall and Jonny he blacked out,
He told the Head but she just said there was nothing she could do,
This bullying became a hobby so Jonny bunked off school,
One night in the holidays the boys came knocking at his door,
Little Jonny answered and they threw him on the floor,
They stole his money and a present he had bought for his mother,
The next time that the boys came round Jonny was with his older brother,
His brother told them to lay off or he'd have things to say,
So the boys left Jonny for a while until his brother went away,
Then they beat him up and made him bleed until he was crying in the gutter,
Jonny went home to an empty house wrote a letter to his mother,
'Dear Mother', it began, ' I can not cope no longer,'
'I thought that i could get through this, I thought that I was stronger,'
'But now i see that all this pain will never go away, theres nothing anyone can do it has to end this way.'
So Jonnys mother, in a state, fell crying to her knees,
'How could I let this happen to my son, how come I didn't see?'
And in a frantic panic, she looked down at the letter,
'I'm really sorry to upset you but things won't get any better,'
But of all this poem its the last line that makes Jonnys mother cry,
'I love you mom, i always will, god bless you mom, goodbye...'

This is in memory of Jonny Andrew Tate, a good friend who died a victim to bullying, we found out too late what you were going in peace....

tell me your views on this one, its kind of personal so if nobody gets it i'll understand.

Peace and Love
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