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Old 09-16-03, 12:36 AM   #7
Fuck You, I Rhyme Better
Posts: 2,488

Wow heres an idea worth throwing out...
Newb apreciation month... still working on the name

The End, alldig, supermods (etc.) pick a vet, and a newbie with some potentian and they have to work together on an open mic/audio/poety...etc

heres an example of how it can work

Create a thread...
anyone willing to do it checks in... the mod of the thread (forum) picks a vet who checked in, and a newb...and gives them a topic for an open mic...they then have 1 week to work on it and drop...

(this idea might require and entire new another section in Textual Territory)

vets can help with up and comers making the site ill, newbs can be helped with structure, flow, vocab ie...wackness center can only do so much...

my 2 cents, id love to hear if anyone thinks this is worth while, and weather it can work... (keep this idea in mind when your thinking of new bad joke)
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