Thread: Cranbrook
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Old 09-18-03, 04:32 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

my autos teacher used to party with us on weekends.but he left to teach another school cause the school wasnt giving him money to run the shop.

he used to have boxing matches in his class and the winner got a 20 sack. and we used to get high in his class until a kid got caught with weed and tried to say mr gomez sold it to him

and if we needed our cars fixed he would fix them for a case of budweiser no matter how big the problem was, and when he was done he would drink with you anyway so it was like getting your car fixed for free.

for our finals all we had to do was read a paper and put out name at the top then turn it in.

the world needs more teachers like him.

he was cool with us but we actually learned something.
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