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Old 09-18-03, 09:00 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

I may not be a jew, so don't try and sue/
so don't be a foo', cuz i'll make you eat some poo//
I will not back down, because your a fucking clown/
and just remember that I don't frown, when the beat pound//
you know i hate you, and that i can't stand that foo'/
every time you try to do, you just suck like a jew//
now you should know that i rule, but you suck like a fool/
you know better then to challenge me to a duel, so lets just play pool//
mabye you should go back to were ur from, and beat on ur drum/
while i set her and drink a quart of rum, and you can go kiss a bum//
I know that you don't know shit about me, cuz ur just another slut to me/
so why don't you just pay the fee, then you can be//
another little pussy whipped BITCH!