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Old 09-18-03, 09:10 PM   #21
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by thesun
lol bitch look at you icon on the bling bling, i rob cats like callin me a bitch????you ain't never touched a gun let alone buck on.....maybe playin duck hunt you have or somethin like that at the arcade....luda said it best....."momma said put the guns down it just ain't worth at the range cuz practice makes perfect" Read my RESPECT...get hit by and bullet , and no i don't mean no damn daisy air pistol or bb gun, i was hit 2 nines in the stomach 22 in the navel and the neck....(50 says and i say to you)....its clear im here for a fuckin reason....(you) homo got hit like i got hit, but (you won't be ) FUCKIN BREATHIN

now ur officially gay

now your even more gully for quotin luda and 50 tryin to act u dont wanna test my gangsta....flamin homo

anyway, on some real shit, shepphney or watever won dis battle, his verse was ovverall way better than the suns shit, sun u should elevate, and explain ya verse at the end, it fucks up the reading your way, and shepphney had da punches, and suns shit was gay shit and not original

but...i dont like zany

vote equals sun

hit up the one in my sig, hoe