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Old 09-19-03, 03:04 PM   #10
Light Weight
Parallex's Avatar
Posts: 169
From: UK

can you all make sure that you poll your votes.
I am on aol, and I know what a bitch voting can be.
I got a system tho.
Vote as usual, and when you get the message telling you that your session appears to be invalid, Right click the retry link, "copy shortcut". minimise aol, Go to start menu, internet explorer, right click in the address bar, paste then click the go button or press enter. You should now see the page you just left. click the link once more, and your vote should go through first time. when the page starts loading, close i/e and maximise aol. Press the back button. when you get back to the thread, reload, and you should see the results...
Hope this helps you all with your voting shit. But anyone who is having problems, should really try this. I remember having to click that retry link 23 time to poll a vote once!!!
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