Thread: I'm out.
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Old 09-19-03, 11:24 PM   #77
Elevating Beyond Perfect
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Posts: 1,141

well looks like end leaving was the world war for rapbattles....because sureal left us also...and sooner or later other vets will leave and then others and so on until rapbattles is nothing....wat a terrific site...all of this to waste?....i hope not....because if mike (alldig) see's that not many people are comming he will simply stop paying for the site and will take it down then one day ur all gonna wanna get on and u wont be able to because the site will not exist before you go off and leave the site think about it...remember...think before you act..

and i think SOME of the current mods are doing great...and yes i totally agree that g.buttersworth should be the replacement admin until end gets back (if he comes back)....and sureal man...cmon come back....and new mods wouldnt be a bad idea because as opey said...some mods are lazy as fuck...the crew forums are messed up so is the audio thread and the songs thread and frontlines and some newm ods wouldnt be bad as long as they ARNT LAZY....but some of the current mods are doing great

sureal and will both be missed...
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