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Old 09-20-03, 11:57 AM   #3
..Soft Focus..
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Posts: 1,639
From: Ont.

good spit man..heres myn...

the only way you beaten me is if you ghost writter was biggie or pac
you most not get a lot thinkin you can beat me while your b/fs tongue caught on ya cock
slurren words got 3 wins by battlin herbs on this net "game" are you insane
on the mic i aint playen im juz playen wit it to shuve up your ass where your dad like ta put it
choken from his come so how the hell you supose to spit your shit u gay..afraid of the clit
fuckin homo...didnt realize im'a volcana about to put you surrounded by lava
then shoot a flow an drown you in my saliva...prove you remind me of the titanic
everything that was said was false..hit an iceburg known as rule an lost ya pulse
prophecy wants that new election to pass no its fianlly legal for him to marry his man
callen me gay...but i use my own hand...while you get another dude to beat your 1 inch stand
by any means can say wutcha like...but just remember my wods be a knife
they'll slice your vertabrey an delay every word you say cause all you do is call me gay
so think about what your sdayin before you say it an it might make sence..
like god creating angels an gos aint believable so tyhat makes you...non-sence

good luck man lets the vote start..peace