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Old 09-21-03, 07:54 PM   #211
Ajax 0042
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Originally posted by prophiit

Final thought.......

The main problem in America is not the politicians, the taxes, the unemployment, the stock market, terrorism, war, none of things. The problem is latent apathy. To many people just don't care anymore, and they outnumber the ones who do. Some have the attitude of "its not my problem" when really it's everybodies. I also cannot stress enough the importance on voting, and not just in Presidential elections, or when a chance to legalize marijuana is on the ballot. Voting is something we fought long and hard to get, first the British, then ourselves (blacks women latinos), for us to simply not take advantage of it. For those who do not like the state of the union, by all means let the powers that be know it, VOTE! Then tell every one you know to vote, then tell them to tell every one they know to vote, and so on and so on until this country is showing active participation. It's easy to bitch and moan, it's more difficult to do something about it.

Good point, people only care about themselves, and whats in it for them. People only will do something if it benifits them in the end, people need to work to gether to solve problems that relate to everyone, like what prophit stated. Also, like prophit stated, we need to take charge of our right to vote, with the example above...

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