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Old 09-22-03, 03:57 PM   #220
Posts: n/a

You See Dogg, obviously you have not been affected by the damage this administration is doing. You have excuses to why theses things are happening to us. But they shouldn't be happening.

Do you know the gov't takes taxes out and unemployment check?
What kind of shit is that? It's not like your making a living out of that shit.

The gov't gives us just enough freedom to numb our senses. They say yeah your free to say whatever you want to say.

Okay one night I chose to say "fuck the police", and I got a supreme beatdown and jail time. Mind you I never said it directly to the police, he over heard me saing it.

That's not freedom

My girl was wrongfully accused when her SISTER drove her grandmothers car into a building. They said they supeona her to court & she didn't show. IN all actuallity, the time the guy who's serves the people their supeona, said he served her at home when she actually was at work. So he lied, they suspended her liscense based on that. So she had to hire a lawyer, and be scared, while driving while they sort this mess out. She got pulled over this morning for "disrespecting a stop sign", and went to jail. She swore she didn't run it, and the cop tried to flirt with her. She wasn't going for it, so he threw her in the clink.

That's not free

When you can get caught up in the system and it' s actually destroying your life, that shit is not freedom. The Canadian Politician in "Bowling for Columbine" said it best. "The American people pick on those [people]that can't defend themselves".

That ain't freedom man

You wanna know why people don't vote, cause that shit is a sham. That's why they are talking about getting rid of the electoral college.

They tell you vote for the people that have your ideas as a concern. It's evident we ain't changin nothin. We've been changing presidents for years, and the police still beatin' niggaz down. The prison system is big business, I just bailed a homie out a couple a weeks ago with $750, there were over a hundred people there waiting all day. And they tell you, you can't go anywhere. they got vending machines there to make dough off of that, they got parking meters you have to sneak and constantly feed, cause it takes 8-10 to gettem out of there. It only took him 2 1/2 hours to go in.
While he was in there, he said he talk to about 6 niggas who said the police planted some shit on them. They didn't have any bail money, no money for a lawyer, and they can't make any money while they in there, so their jobs went down in the drain, evicted out of there apt's. And they stay there for yearsa fighting cases.

I can't brag about the freedom in this country, knowing that any minute so cop can come along and ruin my life if he's having a bad day.

That's why I'm saying, they just string us along, and we have to do what they say...but we're free...

Only the rich are free, and republicans are for the rich, and it's pretty obvious. Their whole GRAND PLAN, fo rthe economy is give the money to the businesses, and tax breaks for the rich.

When bush gave us those checks, I was like "hey, my kind of president", but then I heard about the rich people was getting paid and they didn't even need it... at the same time people on welfare or people that didn't work got nothing...
What's wrong with that picture.

I don't even watch the news, I know it's slanted, you can't believe anything. During the 1st days they reported they were 50 miles outside of Baghdad, and they were truckin', a day passed, and they still hadn't reached baghdad. then the next day they were right in the middle of baghdad. ?!?!?

Amllio daillo got shot 48 times, and he was unarmed...freedom?
The officers were acquitted, they had done nothing the courts eyes.

You see the conversation is "moot" to those that haven't experienced the injustices that go on back stage in America. The intricate predjudices that are brainwashed in the upper classes that help them sleep, and BELIEVE that they aren't prejudice against the lower class.

They make millions, while we can't afford to make millions. We can't afford to go to college, so we work at 2 minimum wage jobs and end up making $200 bi weekly. When Bush made the tax cut's I got $78 bucks back, A rich man (who was against Bush), reported he had gotten back over a 100 thou. he said I'm already rich you moron, but thanks

Who do you think needed that more

poor people in America

Of course Clinton was briefed of this information, and it wasn't important, and it still is not important. It's been said a million times that this was an ELECTIVE war meaning, it wasn't necessary right now. We flew bombing sorties over there everyday, since the intial gulf war. Loosing them up for this...

It's the American way!
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