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Old 09-22-03, 05:29 PM   #221
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

^ Do you even have a clue as to what your saying? I mean it, this is not a joke question. You are telling me Bush is responsible for the legal system, the justice system? Now I know you do not have the slightest clue, please leave that critique to someone ignroant. I am not! The legal system has been corrupted by the liberal left. They control the courts of this country and all fo the latest contraverstial issies in the news in that last few month, reflect that. The liberals control those portions of governement. From the over tuning of ther election in Cali, to the ACLU influence over our courts in Goergia. From the removal of the pslams in arizona to the, blocking of every Supreme court appointee with a religous background. It's demorilazation of a society at best, all fuled by the liberal left wing. I have making my case against them from that one. Bush did not do any of that!

You think I am some spoon feed well groomed suit, whith my head up my ass all these years. Dawg I am far from that, I have been affected first hand. I have been on the toher end of the police guna nd baton. I have had my freedom stripped from me for a significant amount of time. All I am saying is why fall down and fucken cry like a girl? I fouhgt my way out of the ghette, out of the SYSTEM, and into a positon of respect. Not by whinning or ebing a bitch, but by standing for what I belive, like a man should. Cops have done more wrong to me, than you know, and we can have this discusion out side of RB, like other here who know my story. I can give you a detailed account of my history, but only off RB. I am not in the position to air my dirty laundy for all to see, for reason you can imagine. I hold governemnt clearance's and have a very high level position in the national defense arena. Now if things are as you say, none of this would be possible. I know youre thinking, well than I am just luck and one in a million. I'll tell you right now, I thought the same thing, but you would be suprised at just how many of my counter parts have had similar experinces in their live. The only difference is what they did with thei life. The did not allow that crap to stop them, they pushed onward and upward. Just like me, and just like Im am asking all here to do. Don't let the corruption of the system drain the life out of you, cuz that's what they want. Hey if you are truely raised from the same resolve I was, then you do not run when things get hot, You stand and fight back like a man, you never give up or give in. Aply yoursame code and ethic from the hood in everything in life, and you will over come. I did! You may think I am some computer geek, or just talking bullshit, but you would be so wrong. I care about the people of this country, most importantly the youth, I know hoh easy it is to feel beat down, held back. That only makes it easier for a kid with that belief, that he will not suceed, to pick up a weapon and fall into thier trap. Not me, and not those who understand life is waht you make it. Just because they ehald you down, wrongfully accused, andf other bullshit they are know to do to keep us in line, that does not mean you should just give the fuck up. Hell no, don't give them the satisfaction. I am telling you, it's nice to laugh in the face off all those who said you will be nothing. From teachers to cops to lawyers to judges. I look at those bullshit ass cops, in their bullshit ass house and laugh at them, I make more money my first year, than they have after 10. They told me I would die in prison or the streets. Will I just might, but after they ate every one of thier viscious words. I know it is not easy, I lived it too. Honestly if I were to adopt you thinking, I would basically have to tell my daughter that she is a no body and will never be a nobody. She lives in a country where there is no freedom unless you are stinking rich. Hell no, you can tell you children that, but I am not. I am going to do all I can to ensure my daughter has a decent country and decent life. It's not a hate Bush topic, it's a lets make things better topic.

Antoher thing about your jiberish ove the refund check,s it was all based on how much you put in. Those who put little to nothing in, got litle to nothing back.Plain and simple, so you have no agruement again. It's so flemsly your every attempt to down Bush. But the picture you paint of our societies promlems are a real one, and very scary. It's your weakness at linking them all back to Bush, that is horendous.
One more thing, before you get embarassed by someone in the know, all the bombings in Iraq's UN backed no fly zones were because of thier hostile actions. They were not to fly in those areas, or 'paint' any of our aircraft in that region. We returned fire every time our planes were locked on to. If you were the pilot patroling that part of the word and a SAM site lock on you, what are you going to do? Bombs away, well there was a protocal, and in every incedent protocal was follwed except by the Iraqies following orders from thier leaders. If you are so against all these tax issue's and the squandoring of governemnt dollars, then you are fighting for the wrong side. You keep proving my points the more you post, and if yoo don't belive me just ask the people here. Legend, all your issues seem to me to be a by-product of those liberal politicians and thier liberal agenda. Why are you not seeing that. The President is a conservative, he is not a liberal. He does not belive in big government or more taxes. It is the very opposite, and you seem completly unaware of how the American political system or the government system works all together. I don't even need to respond to your comments because they prove my point without me even having to make one.

No disrepect, just trying to get you to understand where your problems are comming from. It's not Bush, unless you are just aginst the war. A wise man would look deeper into the issue, and I know you mean well, but I think you need to sort out your issues and apply some logic there. I am sure you wil see things in a another light, if you take the time to look closer..
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