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Old 09-22-03, 05:44 PM   #222
Ajax 0042
Posts: n/a

"Bowling for Columbine" brings up alot of good ? on this matter, sugest seeing it if your serious on this matter, but Legend has good evidence on hs side of the story...

"They make millions, while we can't afford to make millions. We can't afford to go to college, so we work at 2 minimum wage jobs and end up making $200 bi weekly. When Bush made the tax cut's I got $78 bucks back, A rich man (who was against Bush), reported he had gotten back over a 100 thou. he said I'm already rich you moron, but thanks

Who do you think needed that more

poor people in America"

very ture, why does every tax cut or payback from the goverment only apply mainly to the rich, they are the only one benifiting from it???

"Only the rich are free, and republicans are for the rich, and it's pretty obvious. Their whole GRAND PLAN, fo rthe economy is give the money to the businesses, and tax breaks for the rich.

When bush gave us those checks, I was like "hey, my kind of president", but then I heard about the rich people was getting paid and they didn't even need it... at the same time people on welfare or people that didn't work got nothing...
What's wrong with that picture. "

another good point. everything in this country revolves around the rich, while the working class, those who have 2 and 3 jobs get shit on by the rich, for instance, a richperson will disrespect a poorer working class person because they dont have as much money, but the working person doesnt have any money becuase the rich keep rippen them off, in major companies such as parker hanafen and dayco eastman, they are laying off over half their work force, making those who have not been layed off doin 5 times as much work, only so the CEO can save more money..

go figure...
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