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Old 09-22-03, 06:15 PM   #223
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Originally posted by bouncedoggydog
^^Understatement, this thread has 15 pages of replies, and only is considered stupid by those who have no insight to share.

How can a thread which has so much content posted in it, be stupid. It's on a very involved and intetlectual level, althought some people posted stupid comments, the majority of the content here can not ba labeled stupid.

You don't know why we waste our time on a government that is busy fighting a War overseas? We have to care about our system of Government is we want to remain a free society. If we value anything from our childhood, or way of life, we need to spend time discusing ways to make imoprovements. If everyone had you lack of concern for the politics that shape thier future the US would be in much worse shape today. I can see things getting worse in the future if more of todays youth adopt your juvinille policy where our country is concerned. It's very alarming that people as bright as you, talented with skills in writting, and producing music, do not voice thier concerns for the countryin which they live. Right now you may say it does not afect you in any way, but I promise there will come a day it affects you and those you care for most adversly. I pray we do not reach that day, but as things are looking today, I can foreshadow that event, but it's up to people such as yourself to care enough to make a difference. When it hits home, you're going to wish people like myself and those contributing to this thread did more to make a difference.

I can see what you are saying. I know there are intellectual points, and I do believe government is a very important thing, but the US government just frustrates me.
I'd just like to say, right off the bat, that I am a Canadian, so this is really none of my buisness. I am simply pointing out what I see.
The United States government does not have any control over, and therefore does not care about it's people. It will look at major corporations, and it will respect their opinions, but when it comes to a disabled homeless person, they turn a deaf ear to their pleas. Sure the have programs to help them get jobs and the like, but nobody will hire someone with no references and a disability. The shit don't work.
I say they don't have control because of the states themselves. They do not have have any Federal Laws. The only consistancy throughout the states are the basic laws that every country has (ie. Don't kill, steal, do drugs etc). Basically, the United States is like a whole bunch of countries living under one name and pooling their economy. That is a very generalized version, but let's face it, I don't know the specifics.
My problem with the war on terrorism is that they didn't even do anything positive. The didn't kill Osama Bin Laden. They caused mass chaos in Iraq. All they did was cause more pain and suffering that the dictators had done. And Canada gets shitted on because we didn't want to be a part of it.
Not only did we not want to, we weren't able to, because we're busy picking up the pieces in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia and everywhere else that America has shitted on.

I seem to be talking in ever diminishing circles until I disappear down my own mouthhole
I dislike being a bitter asshole, and I know I don't have all the facts, but this is just my viewpoint.
Life isn't a bitch...
she's just sick of being personified -Sage Francis
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