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Old 09-22-03, 06:19 PM   #224
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

B squared you disappoint me with that response. I am not rich and I do not see the point as it was stated.

Once again about the tax return checks, they are based on what you put into the system. You can't expect to get back anymore of what you put in. If you are not working, then how can you get an INCOME tax refund. If you make 50,000 a year and recieve 5 percent back, it is still the same as someone who is making 500,000 a year who also recieves 5 percent back. Sure the 500,000 dollar a year guy gets more in return, it's called math. It's percentage of what you paid in taxes. Now if you are talking about something other than the refund, like the actual tax brackets, then that is a whole other arguement. One I would agree with most of you on. So please use that type of info, to get your point across, not nonsense. Please I understand what you guy's want to say here, but niether one of you have put it into intellegent terms. You keep defeating your arguements by the structure in which you write the post. I know the rich are treated differently but you guy's are not doing your cause any justice if you can't produce an arguement with any logic behind it. Deos anyone have any clue who has to the most money on average between the two political party officals today? Well it is not the Conservatives, that is for sure. The elite on the left control more money and power in this country than anyone else. They control our schools and our courts, so please get your head out of your ass and come correct. I want to hear a valid reference made from your side, I really do, I know of some, but I am waiting on one of you to touch upon it.

How many of the working class with two or three jobs, actually took high school serious and pursued a good college education, waited to have shildren and married. I know there are some, but the numbers are lopsided. I know those families that have money ensure thier desendants keep that money in the family. I know it is hard to word yourself out of poverty. It is hard, not impossible! Unlike those in the cast system, where born garbage man, and stay garbage man ideology is in place. Now that is fucked up in a major way. I was born poor, uneducated and helpless. Today, I am for from poor, far from uneducated and helpless please. I did not sit around blamming everything on Bush or the rich or this or that. I blammed myself and my parents. That waqs it. They did not know any better and I moved on. I will pass everything I can down to my daughter, so that she is one step ahead of me, and so on, until my family heritage is removed from the ghetto and takes it's place as a success in this society. It will happen, if I can make a difference in my daughters life, belive I already have...

I am not rich, I am not a CEO, yet, but I do understand that we are responsible for our situation. Even if we were a victim at some point in our life, we still have to push onward and upward. We can not just lie down and be burried. I could have given up, let the system and the society beat me down. Turn to drugs and live off the system. Leave my daughter and her mother to fend for themself, but if I was that way would any of you respect me. Hell no. If it was me telling you I give up, I am beat, knowing what kind of person I am. You would get pissed off at me, and tell me otherwise, justt as I have been trying to do for you here. I know it's hard, I know its corrupt and I know it seems impossible, but I also know first hand it can be done.
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