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Old 09-22-03, 06:39 PM   #226
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally posted by understatement

I seem to be talking in ever diminishing circles until I disappear down my own mouthhole
I dislike being a bitter asshole, and I know I don't have all the facts, but this is just my viewpoint.

^ Now I can repsect that, because you are being totaly honest and not trying to prove a point but make your opinion known. Opinions are like assholes, everyon has one. It's not until they stink, does anyone notice... (not directed at understaement, just some humor).

You see no positives to this recent war, but how are you looking at it. Like eveyone else who is not aware, not informed or just not in the know. I have listed many positives about this war, and why it was a necessary one. I will not revisted them, since they are in this thread and others like it. Botom line is, that if every family had thier own military planner running down the rpo's and con's more people would understand this already complex situation. I do not expect everyone to comprehen or even care, but when intellegent people start making ignorant claims, that really worries me. Not to say that anyone here is sutpid, but ignorance is simply not knowing. Stupidity is the inablitly to learn. There is a huge differnece there. I just try to give people more of the facts in order for them to make a better decision on where they stand.

About Canada cleaning up our mess in other regions of the world. We are the one putting our forces in the line of fire, we are the one dying to secure our freedoms and those of the world. If we did not, then who/ France, ha HAHAHA! If you guy's want no part of our wars, then why go play clean up, not because y9ou are compasionate about their country. Its more of a role your governement assumes to align yourself with America. You may not approve of out War, but at the same time you can not denounce your greatist ally. We share a boarder, and much more than that. Why is it that no Country will invade Canada or Mexico for that matter? No one will risk it because of a little thing I call home, the USA. If we relocated Mexico or Canada to somewhere in the Middle east or parts of Europe, would your flag still stand, can you be sure of that? I think not...
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