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Old 09-22-03, 07:27 PM   #229
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally posted by understatement
^I know it wouldn't.
What pisses me off is that the USA fucked up the lives of our cattle farmers by cancelling trade with them. One infected cow, which happened to be an American cow, was found in British Coloumbia. Herds were destroyed, and nobody came down with the disease. Yet The US of A-age decides to cancel the trade, "just in case". Seems more like a "Because you didn't shoot some iraqies". And the Cattle farmers starved.

The disadvantages of being co-dependant.

You're damn right it wouldn't! I am not even sure if ours would, knowing the defense blows this country has endured.

Now you're getting somewhere with your last post, it's a very valid concern on your point. Quite frankly you may be right. I am not an expert in livestock trade or cattle ranching. I am aware of this cow you are speaking of. I just don't know how dangerous it could have been to our people. You might be right about your last few lines, but you did not even have to shoot or raise a weapon. We just wanted your political backing, I am sure our governemnts would have worked out a non active role for your country, as we did with many others. You just denounced us and our leaders, so maybe we did retaliate. I do not know. It's sad, but what worse it that fact that for now on our trade agreements may be impacted for years to come. In the day's of old, if you did not back the powers that be, the powers that be would eradicate you. If you stood against the roman, or british empires and went against their will, you would be crushed. I do not see how the US, can even be compared with those empires. We are a kind and caring people, we do not embrace war, but we are not going to sit around and wait until someone drops a nuke on us.
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