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Old 09-24-03, 08:05 AM   #1
New to RB
Posts: 25
Worthy (First Piece, Please Crit)


This will hopefully be made into audio, more bars will be added, my first audio project, and my first ever topical, its called worthy because of the beat which has a chorus of a woman talking/ singing!

Any crit would be much appreciated!


ill show them im worthy of some succes in life/
show them i can get through the pain and strife/
perhaps one day ill grow up raise a family/
get a good job, nice car, big house, big TV/
pressure to get good grades, get a good job/
people need money so much they result in crime, they rob/
idylic life, call me a pessimist i dont think it exists/
people hating life so much they result in slitting their wrists/
suicide, homocide, im on nobodys side/
people swear the oath, lie, the crime they deny/
Why do they do it, to understand oh i try/
how could you want to make another human die/
i sit back see suffering and think what life is this/
people at 15 on drugs, joining gangs and having kids/
so little time so much pressure to succeed/
so many people not sharing, controlled by greed/
how can you let another man starv with no home/
how can it be ok to spend millions on a oversized dome/
imagine a world where everyone was the same/
no racist claims, no fame, no1 hanging there head in shame/
We are certainly Worthy of a better standard of living/
raise my hand to Tony Blair, make it better your forgiven/
to continue to try to get further in this life i shall proceed/
put my finger up to the non believers, theres chance to succeed/

Oversized Dome = London Millenium dome!

Anything dont make sense ask ill tell, ive critted a few pieces!
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