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Old 09-24-03, 10:52 AM   #240
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originally posted by bouncedoggydogg
I will admit homeland security is the only big governemnt point you have made. It was needed even before Bush, and I believe unless we want to be like France, we need it. That is the only thing you have been correct on. I just happen to feel Homeland secuirty is needed.

About the whole situation of planting weed and a scale. Like if I have never seen what cops do to get people to talk. Come on, I made it out the hood and so can everyone else. If someone is ignorant enough to allow a weed charge and planted scale ruin their life, then they are just idiots to begin with. I beat more trails due to technacalities than i care to speak of here. If you get the right people onyour side, their ignorance and corruption will show. I exposed corruption in local politics in my town back in high school, it caused a wave of change in that town. I can tell you now, that would be an obstical to me,(weed charge), but an ending blow, fuck no! Yiou just have to outsmart htese fools at thier own game, in general terms..

If they plant a scale and weed, your not fucked, it's fucked up, but youre not fucked. You just need to play chess with them and beat it. It can be done, even a murder charge can be beat, we all witnessed that on TV before. I have many mark on my record, and I still got the kind of career most would sell their own parents for. I was honest and I declared everything on my applications and secuirty papers. I was so damn good at what I did, it did not matter, they made exceptions for me. If you are not the best you can be, then I guess you will get passed over, but I was, and I got hired and cleared. I still have active invistigations on my background and it worries me, but the DOD understands these things. Or I would not have a JOB ever!!!!!

I am pursuing my own dreams, doing what I chose, and educating my daughter in the best possible way. All from a thugged out mexicano who has been in the system and part of the game since I can remember. I am not squicky clean, but I am not one to just give in. I can bitch all day about the Rich people and those with money, but it will seem hyprocritical when I myself am rich! Yes, I am going after that dream, not through Rap, but in business, so I guess you blame it on people like me, once I get there. Or you once you get a deal and blow up big like you aspire, are you going to think the same about your money? Shit people come into this country dirt poor, and in years of hard work they get Rich, are they too part of your hate. I just think that we can do positive things if we really try. I give everything I got no matter the task, all the time every time. Iguess that's why I have been sucessfull in my pursuit of education and means to support my family. I never gave it any less than everything I have.

So maybe I am wrong, we should teach our children that no matter how hard they work, they are still going to be lower class or less significant. Not me, not my daughter! She can be anyhting she works hard to achieve, no matter race creed or religion. That's what I raise her to belive, but your telling me I am wrong for that! Why?

Ok buddy, I'ma be real with you. Me & you are the lucky ones, but it's amazing how quickly you forget the "little" people. How many of your friends made it? Because they didn't have your exact mind state then they deserve the bullshit that America deals out.
Did you sell out? Are you content with how, it seems that your brothers crowd the prison system, and theirs don't. Yeah, your in the loop now, you got dough now, so you side with the people who tried to snuff you out, and say everybody just suck it in. That's really crab dude, I mean low.
I got some news for you buddy, the minute somethin comes up missing, your gonna get terminated...and your not gonna be rich anymore. That's america for you...
You see I found a way to elevate and help my people. I'm doing good. I work for a WELFARE TO WORK PROGRAM, run by blacks. We train people on how to work, that are 30 years old that never had a job in their life. WHY? Cause their momas momas momas moma never had a job, and that knowledge of going to work was never passed down. The aspect of being on time for something was never passed on. So we train people to make that transition, from the generational welfare recipients, to productive working in society. We turn people into truck drivers, CNA's, carpenters, medical billing. But noooooooooooo, you republicans don't care about that, you say ignorant shit like "they need to get up off there ass", and "my taxes pay, for them to lazy, and make babies all day". Yeah, clinton signed the Welfare reform act, which now limits welfare to 5 years, then your cut off. Good move! WHY? Cause he realized that people who don't know how to work, need to learn how to work, so Welfare to work programs were created. And although they are not guaranteed to do 100% placement, tell me what in life IS guaranteed 100%.
Also to stimulate economic growth & extra incentive, the companies who employ our clients get $10,000 in tax breaks
But noooooo Bush cut the our programs damn near in half, so he could fund his new branch in gov't, and his war. So now we can only serve a small amount of people, the economy is in the garbage.

I guess one of my points is, just cause you had the stuff in you to make it to the top, don't condemn that people that don't. Just cause you was fortunate to get bail, and have a lawyer to straighten out your biz, don't look down on others, cause it's niggaz that been in the county for over a year, still fighting cases.
There are people that don't know the first thing about how to operate a cpu mouse.

A lot of people don't know the law as well as you and I, but still they're getting illegal confessions, and innocent people get locked down...

So if your such a success story why don't you bring other people up with you, instead of siding with the powers that be?
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