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Old 09-24-03, 12:40 PM   #36
Posts: n/a

Yo HIV is out there, I don't mean to scare,
but beware Life aint fair, before you end up in jail
you take a chance, find some romance, and at a glance,
You take your pants off.
Your immune system will fail: you start to cough.
You got no spare life, the rests' strife, check out this cyph...
er, I hired her: The whore you went with, you plead the 5th.
You got whacked by somethin invisible, STDS,
Got jacked by the biz of girls, relentlessly
Now watch how it unfurls, you got no plees.
You're not gonna die tommorow or the next,
But check this, theres no sorrow in my text.
I wrecked this life you were livin,
Could of fucked your wife in the kitchen
but instead you turned to the street, you got beat,
nothing but defeat,
And now i'm switching, After your man hood starts itchin,
Your wife you gotta leave her, the next person up got a meat cleaver