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Old 09-25-03, 08:29 PM   #242
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally posted by MR. LEGEND

I guess one of my points is, just cause you had the stuff in you to make it to the top, don't condemn that people that don't. Just cause you was fortunate to get bail, and have a lawyer to straighten out your biz, don't look down on others, cause it's niggaz that been in the county for over a year, still fighting cases.
There are people that don't know the first thing about how to operate a cpu mouse.

So if your such a success story why don't you bring other people up with you, instead of siding with the powers that be?

You kind of make it seem like if I had all the options and extra's growing up in the hood. Hell no, I was born poor as the next guy in the hood. I had to deal with the same situations as those you are refering to. I had to watch my day walk out on responsiblity, I had to watch my mom juice the system. I had to be responsible for myself and brothers at the age of 13. I had to overcome and endure the very same scenerios you describe in your post. No one stepped in to help me, guide me, or even care about me. I never once looked down on anyone. I never once condemend anyone for thier status. All I have ever done is motivate people to do something positive about their situation. I would rather see someone taking pride in themself, doing things to change thier status. I have in my short tenure in life done countless act to promote the movement of my people and that of all youth. I am active in every aspect of educating our youth. My essays and writtings all reflect that of the struggle our youth are going through. So please assume I have this superiority complex and could care less about the little guy. I have done more in my 20+ years of life than most have done in a lifetime. I contribute to every youth intervention program on the West coast, either by funds generated through my company or by guest speaking. I am active on the college campuses from UCLA to UCSC, in hopes to guide a misdirected youth. I have recieved several awards and accolades for my work with children in not only my community. My daughters school asked me to sit on the board of advisers because of my passion to promote the education of our youth. So when you say why don't I bring other up with me, I just laugh. I have done so much for eveyone who knows me, grew up with me or needed my help. I would never forget where I come from, it's obvious you don't know me, cuz other people here could tell you, that you are wrong about me. I car deeply for our society and our people. Come on I sacrifice myself everytime I go out to support our troops. I do not have to work in this field, but like I have said before, I fell it's my duty to this country and the security of our children. I could make more money working at a commercial company, but that's not my ambition. I want to do something positive for this country on a very high level. I have contributed to the overall security of the Country and it's people for over six years now. I love thei country and the people in it, so you must have me figured out all wrong. I am not blindly siding with the powers that be, I am only supporting the leadership of this country in the area's of national security and homeland defense. I am in a much better position than you are to judge the overall threat to our way of life in this country. I am not saying that those programs you are working for are not important or even significant. I am just trying to tell you that without a country, those programs are useless. If we allow our national defense to compramised any further then more harm is going to be done to our people than any of the cuts you are refering to. Would you rather a stable and free country or one that is under arrest from within? The minute some nation threatens your home your loved ones and your way of life you will understand. I know you may feel that is impossible, but in reality that is a very real and valid concern. If you sat in on the threat managment matrix or nationAL seciurty counsel for just a month, you would rethink your position. We are vulneralbe in so many areas of defense, it's crazy to move forward in a world that is careening towards unrest. You need to stop trying to slam me, and pull the wool from your eye's.

Again everyone is equipped with the necessary basics to sustain a productive life, why not use them. I know everyone situations is different, but my whole point is that is is becoming the norm. It's the norm to just give a shit about your life and blame the system. Please that is such a negative and destruction ideology, I just want to reach people and tell them not to give up. Stand up and do something positive for yourself! So where is your arguement even valid? I thought not....
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