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Old 09-26-03, 04:10 AM   #14
Light Weight
*Y_nOt*'s Avatar
Posts: 346
From: ::BROOK-NAM *to* FRISCO aNd BaCk aGaIn::

^^^ i cant agree more! Big L was one of the greatest of all time in my opinion. What made him so great was that he was GULLY!! He had his name ringin through out the underground and yet he stayed tru to his craft and tru to the streets. To me he was just a cat who you seen everyday, in the same neighborhood, just chillin, spittin and have'n a good time and i loved that the most about him. He never let his albums and success get to him. He didnt move out the hood cuz he made a 100 seen him everyday on the same block bein hood!!! I know all of us tru emcees will never forget him and all the things he stood for and how he took hip-hop and emcee'n to a whole nother level.....R.I.P "It's Big L"
Jimmy L. , Louis L. , Aj R. , Tyler R. , Chris R., Dan W. , Matt F.......
" You all will never be forgotten and your spirits live within us all!!! R.I.P*"

" So for the 2nd time [The Pharisses] summoned the man who had been blind and said
"Speak the truth before God. We know this man is a sinner."
"Wether he is a sinner I do not know."
:The man replied:
"All I know is this...Once I was blind and now I can see"
John 1x 24-26
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