Thread: -Rotary Heart-
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Old 09-26-03, 07:46 PM   #34
..A New Breed of Femcee..
DaGyrlRemarqabL's Avatar
Posts: 454

Wait a minute...You said it was wonderful and horrible all in the same paragraph..Make up your

And its not about a suicidal person. Not literally anyway. They arent sitting there slitting their wrists or anything. There's a lot of symbolism. Its about a friend of mine who does drugs and messes up his life for no good reason and will not stop for anything. Ive done all I can to help him, but like the piece says, No one can help him if hes not willing to help himself. Ive hurt myself and hes hurt me very much in the process, thats why this piece had such a harsh tone. As much as Ive tried to be a good influence on him, he doesnt appreciate it, and he DOENST WANT IT, at that. So I gave up. And now I just have to hope all my screaming at him will flick on a light bulb in his head some day before its too late. and ta-da. there you have the piece.
Sorry if you didnt like it girl. Thats just the way it is.
Thanks for the reply!
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